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Brand Concept

Based on the keywords of genderless, craftmanship, and neutral color, The Collection Focuses on Hand-Knitted and Machine- Knitted Knits.
Using High-Quality Fabrics and Threads, We Propose Clean and Contemporary Wear In Original Color Color Color Inspired by Vintage Wear and Things Arounds .

A collection based on hand -knitting and machine knit, with genderless, craftsmanship, and neutral color as a keyword.
Using high -quality and disciplined fabric and thread, we propose clean and contemporary clothing to the original color schemes inspired by vintage wear and identity around you.




Designer / yosuke shimomura

BORN JUNE 6, 1986, from Nagano Prefecture.
After Graduating from The Knit DePARTMENT of Bunka Fashion College AREL MAKER.
He Announced The First Collection of the Apparel Brand "Lufon" Centraled on Knitwear in 2021FW.

Designer / Yosuke Shimomura
Born on June 6, 1986, from Nagano Prefecture.
After graduating from the Knit Design Department of Cultural Fools, he gained experience at a specialized trading company and apparel manufacturer.
Announced the first collection of the apparel brand "LUFON" (Refon) based on knits in 2021FW.